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How Client Website Safe and Secure ?

how website look secure on browser

Google officially announced it would use HTTPS as a ranking signal due to security issues.

A secure website’s URL should begin with “https” rather than “http”. The “s” at the end of “http” stands for secure and is using an SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) connection. Your information will be encrypted before being sent to a server. Be sure to click on the “lock” icon to verify that a website is trustworthy.

HTTP, which stands for Hypertext Transfer Protocol, is a 15-year-old method for transmitting information across the internet.

Why am I seeing not secure on websites?

The reason you are seeing the “Not Secure” warning is because the web page or website you are visiting is not providing a secure connection. When your Chrome browser connects to a website it can either use the HTTP (insecure) or HTTPS (secure). Any page providing an HTTP connection will cause the “Not Secure” warning.


Why SSL is Required

SSL is essential for protecting your website, even if it doesn’t handle sensitive information like credit cards. It provides privacy, critical security and data integrity for both your websites and your users’ personal information.

after SSL comes HTPPS

How it worked

  1. Establish a secure communication between the server and the browser, For example, it is completely secure communication between client ‘s browser and the server.
  2. These certificates are controlled by a centralized group of security organizations including godaddy.
  3. If a server presents a certificate from the browser’s list, then it knows that the website can be trusted. While verifying an SSL certificate, the browser also creates a unique public key using sent by the server. At this point our data are finally encrypted. SSL Provides authentication.
  4. Using an HTTPS connection secured with an SSL certificate gives you all the protections, so that you get data encryptions and security of your data.

Benefits of SSL

Protect the you and your users data.

Reduce the risk of phishing emails and scams.

Increase your search engine ranking. …

Secure your customer payments

Showing your users you can be trusted.

We recommend that all new websites use HTTPS. If your website is already built, No Problems; still you have options to migrate from HTTP to HTTPS. If you are interested in getting a new or current website to work with HTTPS, we can help you through the whole process by buying SSL certificates and incoming HTTP links to keep them working properly.

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